Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chapter 7 Final Preliminary Drawing

This is the skeleton / stick figure maximized version along with its proper body proportions. Believe it or not...i spent 3 hours on this =,= Give me some break guys, this is my first 'humanoid' drawing ^^
TADAH!!!! This is it! The final preliminary drawing of my logo. It may not look much right now, but if i am able to utilize Adobe Illustrator CS2 in the future, i'll be sure to make it better and more 'wow' ing to see.

Chapter 6 Preliminary Drawing of Postures

Thanks alot Angela! This is the notes that she gave me over our little discussion on human anatomy and ratios. We went very deep into the topic and she did the honor of sketching a brief preliminary drawing of a dancing figure for me.

This is the page of my sketch book where i wrote my ideas on. Take greater attention at the top part of the page. I sketched several postures of ballet and compare them.

Chapter 5 Ideation of Ideas ( Posture )

The final problem was the posture. What posture would my 'human figure' be in to symbolize feminism? After hours of mindless and aimless thinking, i decided to watch The Gameplan movie by Dwayne The Rock Johnson. There was a ballet scene and i felt as if the thunder itself electrocuted my body. There it was - my answer! Ballet symbolize feminism! But what ballet posture symbolize graceful and presentable feminism? And so i searched across the net for postures, and i came across this one.

Chapter 4 Ideation of Ideas ( Video Game Saves The Day )

By using the concept of replacing the muscles into nature elements in the body of the human figure in the previous chapter, it reminded me of a very famous video game that i fortunately had the chance to play in the past. The game's title was God Of War 2; stationed during the time of the Greek Mythology. This very picture was taken from a screenshot of the game. The woman in the center was Gaia herself - high-graphic version. Do notice the placement of bird-view-nature elements on the parts of her body? That gave me an idea. This concept alone solved my dilema in combining the feminine outlook of a human body with the concept of mother nature.

Chapter 3 Ideation of Ideas ( Muscular Lines? )

Since i had decided to use a human figure in the process of doing the symbol, i decided to study on the muscle structure of the human body. Why do i do this? To tell all of you viewers the truth, i have no idea. I usually made it up as i go along... And i am please to say that by studying this picture i had a new idea. I intended to use the elements of Mother Earth nature as a replacement on those muscular lines.

Chapter 2 Ideation of Ideas ( Earth as a female )

At first i was searching across the history of signs and symbolism. I found out that the Earth itself was always represented with a female figure - hence the term 'Mother Earth'. These concept dated back all the way into begining of written language in ancient latin - that is the Greek Mythology. It was stated in there that Titanness Gaia represents Earth. Therefore i decided to represent the symbol of Earth in the form of a female.

This is a logo designed by my senior in his/her computer graphics. There is something about this logo that potrays femine value and i got attracted in his idea of manipulating shapes to form some sort of a 'shadow figure' of a human. A 'female' specifically.

Chapter 1 The Beginnings

Global warming is now one of the main issue discussed in every corner of the world. This occurence however had actually existed hundred of years beforehand. Some of causes of global warming includes overused of carbon monoxide, or the thining of the ozone layer due to Chloroflorocarbon; generated from the use of air-conditioners.

However there is one major cause beside all of that; one that started the occurence of global warming in the first place. This activity was held way back even during the time of the Mesolithic Period, and became even more prominent during the begining of civilization. The humans during those times were ignorant of the very fact that they were actually harming their very own mother Earth. The cause i am refering about is 'DEFORESTATION'.

The only difference between them in the past and us in the present is the tools we used and how large the scale of deforestation done. Thousands of years ago they were using axes and maces, but we are using our so-call-time-consuming-and-safe technology to do all the work. But if we look into it deeper, the truth is we're only leading to our own doom by relying on those technologies.